Public Library | Oneonta, New York | Huntington Memorial Library

Open Hours: Mon, 9:00 – 5:30 pm | Tues – Thur, 9:00-8:00 | Fri, 9:00 – 5:30 pm | Sat, 9:00 – 4:00 pm

Who We Are

HML Writers was first started in July of 2014, using the framework of Camp National Novel Writing Month (Camp NaNoWriMo), the summer sister of the November-based National Novel Writing Month.  Led by staff member, Jen Donohue, our weekly writing group meets Saturdays at 1:30pm, Sept. to Nov., Mid January to May, and in the month of July.

We’re not all novelists, or poets, or short story writers. We’re not all speed writers; trying to go-go-go on a prompt for ten minutes isn’t everybody’s writing style. And that’s all right. The goal for HML Writers is to help writers be comfortable with themselves, with their own styles and their own needs.

What We Do

Writers bring what they’re working on to read out loud, or pass out copies for critique. More often than not, most of the meeting time is devoted to the act of writing, with timers set and prompts given as a springboard for a story or poem to take flight.

Contact Jen For More Information





About Jen

Jen Donohue graduated Hartwick College with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and has been at the Huntington Memorial Library since 2005. She started HML Writers Group in 2014, and edited their anthology, HML Writers volume 1 in 2018. Her work has appeared in Apex Magazine, Fantasy Magazine, Escape Pod, and elsewhere, and her ongoing cyberpunk novella series Run With the Hunted is available at the library. Her debut novel, Exit Ghost, will be available March 2023.

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